Thursday, October 04, 2007

What to do?

Been YMing with a friend... and you know when girls talk (err.. boleh lagi panggil girl ke kita ni eh?) .. we were rambling from one topic to another... about life being married..loving it... 'geram'ing it..loving it back..hehe.. you know the usual.. and somehow di bulan ramadhan ni.. kalau tak bersembang about makan tak sah.. what to do .. perut sometimes controlled what's on our mind... so yeah.. she said she made some major improvement in cooking .. proudly made a whole family dinner of nasik ayam last week... (okay if you really been blog hopping..hehe.. you sure know sapa yang aku tgh chat ni..hehhe.. ) .. and again she made nasik minyak yesterday.. bravo! ... apparently, married life agrees with you darling.... anyway.. while we were sharing my sushi recipe .. I did said to her that I've been thinking of uploading any recipe yang aku tau in my blog.... (considering errr.. how very dedicated I am to blogging) .. at least there will constantly be a new entry..(hopefully) ..
She said to go for it.. but hmm.. suddenly terasa macam malu pulak.. macam ler terer sangat aku ni masak sampai nak kasik recipe2 ni..hehehe.... don't we have too many of a recipe blogs/websites/FPs already? Takkan mine pun nak turn into one kot...hmm... so what do you think?


Nomee said...

Agree with Konot. Nak recipe.

Anonymous said...

Agree also...especially recipe Nasi Daging Pendang...hehehe.

Anonymous said...

belasahhhh jee... no harm in sharing ;)

Unknown said...

Do share, nak gak rasa sushi buatan sendiri...

Norliana Abdul Rahman said...

aik nomee.. cam ko tau tu aku? muahahahah.. nak resepi weih.. btw ayu..jgn mare aaa.. lepas chat dgn nko aku happily close your dialog box.. and hilang ler resepi sushi nko.. so bertambah la reason ko kena post kat sini.. timasey..

Nomee said...

Tuan punye blog... saya tumpang lalu okey...?
Konot: Mana plak tak tau. Aku kan kau nyer stalker... muahhahahah...

Ayu said...

start dengan sushi ler ni gamak nye...okay..
jap ye..kasik tuan blog habis masak dulu... kang free time saya upload ye.