Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Hello again ..

Second time around was better. Our flight back from Malaysia to Sydney gave us the chance to get to know the city a little bit better. Instead of flying straight back home to Melbourne, we decided to give Sydney a second glance.

The last time we were there, we didn't get to explore the famous Opera House. This time however, my head was still reeling from deciding and choosing only few pictures to put up here from hundreds (no kidding..) of model and unmodel-like poses of Taufiq and Amirah at Opera House.

After 2 visits, Opera House, checked.. Darling Harbour, checked.. Bondi & Bronte Beach, checked.. Blue Mountain, checked .. 90% of CBD.. checked .. Most of the 'must visit Sydney' checklist almost completed. I'm not sure there will be a third visit to Sydney anytime soon. Maybe it's time for another Oz state. Tasmania perhaps :) ..

Entry yang tak sah kalau takde gambar :)

Harbour Bridge

Opera House

Botanical Park

Berbackgroundkan the famous '3 sisters' at Scenic World Blue Mountain

Tepi Bronte Beach

On the way balik ke Melbourne. Kat Wollongong lighthouse.


Anonymous said...

Comei la hang azad :)
Aku ni bukan blh tgk org pregnant.. aku suka!

Amy said...

Tu la..Ayu comey, anak2 comey.. perfect pictures! :) perth Ayu dah pegi belum?

Ayu said...

k'on : Comei apa nyer...hehe..dah terasa macam nak jadik penguin ni ..hehe ...

amy : Perth pegi zaman anak dara dulu..hehe... zaman mak budak2 belum lagi ..:P